Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle’

Simplify and De-clutter

Monday, September 8th, 2008

The one thing I want have always wanted in my life is simplicity. I have learned over the years that clutter only confuses things, not to mention keeps my mind spinning about all the things I want or have to do. I know that when I sit at my desk, if I have junk all over it, my mind somehow picks up that clutter. I don’t seem to have the skill that some people have that allows them to relax their mind when they have a to-do list a mile long. So I have learned that a simple and uncluttered life leads to a simple and uncluttered mind. As much as I try to keep this under control, somehow things seem to “re-clutter”. Perhaps it is because I don’t have the discipline to filter the incoming items that work their way into my apartment. […]

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