Posts Tagged ‘overwhelmed’


Thursday, April 29th, 2010

I feel like lately I haven’t been writing as much, and when I have been it’s been sort of off topic. (I went back to some of my archives and I feel like my writing has changed, not for the worse, but the recent posts have been a bit superficial.) But I do intend to get back on track here shortly. Around the New Year I was out of the country, and then I had a month or two consumed with my migration from Blogger to WordPress, and in typical fashion, I got caught up quite a bit in the details, and even making some cosmetic changes to the site which I’m happy with, but where probably unnecessary.

Then more recently I’ve had some of my attention diverted with trying to network a bit. After a year or two of writing for just myself and few people, I realized that if […]

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[links and styling have been removed in the excerpt, read more to see complete content]