Archive for the ‘spain’ Category

Graffiti, Granada, Spain

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

During my recent trip to Spain, I noticed some really interesting graffiti on some of the side streets. I ended up taking a few good photos, and it also got me thinking that I’ve seen some cool graffiti here at home in San Diego. So over the next few weeks I will try to post a few that I’ve seen. Here is the first graffiti photo, taken in Granada, Spain, in October 2008. Enjoy!

See more random photos here, or more Granada photos here.

Graffiti, Granada, Spain
Graffiti, Granada, Spain
Graffiti, Granada, Spain

See more Granada photos here

Planning a trip to Spain

Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Spain Map

I have been planning to write an article regarding travel and sustainable living, however I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I wanted to explore the pros and cons of travel when it comes to trying to live a green and sustainable life. Obviously the two don’t quite go hand in hand, however I think there are definitely positive aspects to traveling that can outweigh the negative environmental impact that travel causes. Anyway, that’s a subject for a future post.

The topic for this post is, well, you probably can guess … it’s travel. I have a trip coming up in less than two weeks, and I have been driving myself crazy trying to make preparations. I am going to Spain, and hopefully also Morocco, and it will be my first trip abroad by myself, and my first solid […]

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