Archive for March, 2010

Improve slow WordPress page load times

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

I had been having a lot of trouble recently with the performance of my WordPress blog, and have been experiencing very slow WordPress page loads. Compared to Blogger (which I used to use), the ease of use and self publishing to my own host with WordPress is great, but since converting the page load times have slowed down exponentially. So I spent some time trying to track what exactly was making it so slow. There is never one specific answer for everyone’s problems, but here I’ll cover briefly what I’ve learned. (Also, remember to make sure your host is not having any problems!)

First of all, for anyone new to WordPress, you need to be aware that your entire site is pretty much database driven. In simple terms this means that there is no “physical page”, instead the data is all stored in the database and each time a “page” is […]

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Experimenting with a Vegan diet

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

I wrote about a year ago about my adventures with a raw diet. It lasted about a month, which was just fine with me since it was experimental. But in the process I did learn a lot about food, especially about how you can find plenty of food that is raw, not meat, and IS NOT SALAD. I point that out because this comes as quite a shock to some people. Yes, there is plenty out there to eat that is vegan and raw.

I won’t go into the benefits of eating raw, that is a topic for another day. Today’s post is to say that I’m at the diet experiments again, though not raw this time. This time it’s more of a wholesome, sustainable and mostly vegan. I say mostly because I still believe that eating meat is ok. Certainly not every day like some people, but if it […]

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Should you combine your Twitter and Facebook updates?

Monday, March 1st, 2010

I have been debating whether or not to combine my Twitter and Facebook updates by syncing both. I’ve seen plenty of people doing it, and I think it works for some of them. It can be a key factor in finding new readers and in driving traffic, especially since many sites get a large percentage of their traffic from social media these days.

But notice that I say it works for some, not all. For me personally, I have to say, I don’t think it’s a great idea. And here’s why. My Facebook account is about me, it’s personal and it’s been a way to keep up with old friends, some of whom are old high school and college friends and some of whom are current “real life” friends. For keeping contact with these friends, it serves its purpose. But just because I have 100 or so “friends” on here, […]

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