Archive for August, 2009

A familiar street

Monday, August 31st, 2009

He approached the beach and gave his legs a break from peddling, allowing a moment to enjoy the cool and gentle breeze which flowed through his sun drenched hair. The smell of saltwater was in the air as the worn tires of his old bike rolled over the cracked concrete, producing a slightly noticeable whir. Occasionally he glanced up at the swaying palm trees that stretched towards the sky, which still didn’t seem real. The streets were familiar, and the scene no different, but the experience was always new. With a grand imagination it could easily be anyone’s first time.

Later as he sat in the sand time stood still, and with the backdrop of ever present waves, memories were made. The far away clouds hung over the mysterious blue water, grey and dreary, but the sun still shone overhead. When he was there, it was all just a moment. […]

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Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

I had written this article about compromise almost a year ago, and realized that I never even published it. It was sitting in my drafts, so I guess no time like the present to dig it up and send it out to the world!

I’m not trying to give any advice here, this is about me sorting out things in my personal life, things regarding lifestyle and prioritizing. And even though this was originally written a year ago, a lot of it still holds true.

In general I am a pretty happy person, I am laid back and easy to get along with. But also, I am prone to over thinking and overanalyzing, and as anyone knows, both of those things can get to you. I feel lucky to be where I am, I have a roof over my head, things in my house, a girlfriend, and I […]

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Friday interesting links

Friday, August 21st, 2009

I’m pretty sure that come Friday everyone is looking for something besides work to do, so I’ve decided to start a new feature here that I’ll publish every Friday morning. I guess for a lack of anything better to call it, I’ll call it my Friday Interesting Links until I can come up with something better. If you have any you want to share, let me know, and I’ll be sure to credit you for bringing it to my attention.

So here are my votes for this week, just a few I’ve found that are worth sharing:

India Monkey King scales new heights – YouTube video, 1:35
You’ll never do this on a bike – YouTube video, 6:21 via Wend Magazine
Hanuman the traveling cat – video, 2:58
New Wedding Dance – YouTube video, 5:09

Denver Post Barefoot Running Debate – Barefoot running article, thx barefoot ted
How to send food back at a restaurant – Bohemian Revolution

Thoughts on manifesting the things I want

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

I have been thinking a lot about my life lately. About things like abundance, positive thinking, manifesting desires, and living the life I want. I am by nature a person without a lot of certainty, I am always double thinking, over thinking, second guessing, and oddly I know a lot about what I don’t want but not a lot about what I do want.

Just recently I read this post by Steve Pavlina and it made me realize, even though I am great at dreaming and I want a lot out of life, I am not a great manifester. Which subsequently got me into an email conversation with a friend of mine who is currently in the process of manifesting the perfect life for herself.

It started with me writing an email, asking her if she thought I am inadvertantly manifesting scarcity in my life because of what I […]

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How to Send Back Food at a Restaurant

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Photo credit: juicyrai

I found this article about how to send food back at a restaurant over at Bohemian Revolution, and I think it’s great advice. For a lot of people, this is trivial information, but it’s always good being reminded that it’s ok to send food back if you are not happy, and that there is a way to do it without being a jerk.

How to send food back at a restaurant

Lunch in Tecate, Mexico

Sunday, August 16th, 2009
Main plaza in Tecate Mexico

Main plaza in Tecate Mexico

Today we decided to take a day trip down to Tecate, Mexico. Though it is a border city, it is a much smaller and better representation of Mexico than Tijuana. It’s also within an hour of San Diego. I had been once before, but today I went down with my girlfriend. We drove to the border, parked, walked across, and within 15 minutes we were sitting in the central plaza sipping beers and eating chips.

Prior to my first trip there, I had heard that it was a nice place to visit, but I wanted to check it out for myself. At the time I couldn’t find much consistent information about it online, but if you’re interested in visiting, it’s a simple day trip. No border lines, no stress, and […]

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What I’ve learned about running by reading about running

Friday, August 14th, 2009

There are a few things that I’ve recently learned about running that have me excited. I’ve always been a casual jogger, but have never been all that thrilled about it. Really it has been more of an activity to stay active than something that really intrested me. But after reading the book Born to Run, I have a renewed interest in it. I have been taking tips and drawing inspiration from where ever I can, including the book, a DVD called Chi Running, and some of the Superatheletes that were written about in the book Born to Run.

And so far, I’m happy to report that it seems to be working. My issue is still with my conditioning, but my runs — short though […]

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How to Climb Mt Whitney in One Day – eBook

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

How to Successfully Summit Mount Whitney in One Day – eBook

Interested in purchasing? Click here

The e-book describes in full detail how to successfully day hike Mt Whitney, the highest mountain in the continental United States. I have attempted the hike twice, and completed it once, so I know what makes the difference between a successful trip and an unsuccessful one. I also spent quite a bit of time researching for this trip, so I have wealth of knowledge to share.

Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney – The tallest mountain the the Lower 48 states, climbed in one day

For those of you who don’t know, I am just an average guy and I’m not an extreme athlete, but I learned from the first year’s mistakes and successfully trained to complete the hike the second time […]

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