“Que Calor?” Graffiti, Córdoba, Spain
Tuesday, January 20th, 2009Here is yet another installment to my album of graffiti photos. This one was taken in Córdoba, Spain during my trip in October 2008. I found this on either Calle San Fernando or Calle San Feria, I’m not sure which, as I was walking from my room at the nearby Hostal Maestre. I’m not sure if the art is referring to global warming or what, but regardless, I thought it was interesting and the fact that it made me think was nice too.
Córdoba was a lovely city, and I would highly recommend a visit there. The Hostal Maestre is also recommended, it’s a little further from the city center, but that gives ample opportunity to get lost in the maze of streets. It’s also right around the corner from a proper hostel which has cheap internet access. Enjoy!
View more of my travel photos here
San Diego Sunrise Photo – January 2009
Monday, January 19th, 2009This morning my cat was being crazy and woke me up a few times. I eventually got up to try to let her out and noticed a orange-ish red light that seemed to be glowing outside. I looked out and had to grab my camera to capture the sunrise that greeted me. Not only has it been near 80 degrees for the past week, in January, but also I get this beautiful sight. Enjoy this San Diego sunrise photo.
Amtrak Train cross country from San Diego to New York
Friday, January 2nd, 2009
Santa Fe Depot, Amtrak, San Diego
Since writing this article I’ve also taken the Amtrak from San Diego to Portland
DECEMBER – Most people I knew at work thought I was crazy to take a trip like this, but I had a good time and would still do it again, though making a few changes.
The trip was by Amtrak, and originated in San Diego (Santa Fe Depot) with the final destination being New York City. I took the Pacific Surfliner from San Diego to Los Angeles, then the Southwest Chief from LA to Chicago, and finally the Lake Shore Limited from Chicago to Penn Station in New York City. To make it even more interesting, I declined a ride to the train station from my beach apartment and […]
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Water Conservation – A letter to the city
Friday, January 2nd, 2009A few weeks ago, while driving into work in the rain, I noticed that the sprinklers on the side of the freeway were on. Not only is this ridiculous, but it is especially ridiculous being that San Diego is basically a desert with very little of its own water supplies, and the city has recently said that unless water usage is decreased soon we will have mandatory water rationing. So I decided to write a little letter to the mayor’s office. Here is is:
Hello Mayor Sanders,
I have read in the past months of your efforts at promoting water conservation in the city. Also, I had seen that you declared a water shortage emergency this past summer which called for residents to voluntarily cut back there usage or face mandatory cutbacks later on.
I am writing because I would like to see the city take further initiative […]
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Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009
Friday, January 2nd, 2009I am not big on resolutions, as most of them seem to just fade in time. But from time to time I re-assess my life and try to make some positive changes. For this New Year, this is what I thought to myself this morning:
I will learn to speak my mind, follow my heart, and live how I wish to live. I will be healthier and be more moderate with my vices.
Pretty simple, right?
Though I enjoy my life, and am generally pretty healthy, I could really do a lot to positively improve myself as well. There are many days where I wonder how I’ve gotten to this point and what I can change to improve. Most of these thoughts center on my own growth, as well as my career choices.
I talk a lot about diet, travel, and other things like that. […]
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