Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009

posted by Russ, January 2 in lifestyle design with tags , , , , ,

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I am not big on resolutions, as most of them seem to just fade in time. But from time to time I re-assess my life and try to make some positive changes. For this New Year, this is what I thought to myself this morning:

I will learn to speak my mind, follow my heart, and live how I wish to live. I will be healthier and be more moderate with my vices.

Pretty simple, right?

Though I enjoy my life, and am generally pretty healthy, I could really do a lot to positively improve myself as well. There are many days where I wonder how I’ve gotten to this point and what I can change to improve. Most of these thoughts center on my own growth, as well as my career choices.

I talk a lot about diet, travel, and other things like that. There are many things I’m interested in, but nothing I want to go to any extremes with — I like a life of moderation and being free to indulge extremes as well. For example, I like travel, but I like home too. I like health and my new explorations into raw eating, but I like to enjoy a few beers and dinners out with my girlfriend as well. I like hiking, exercise, and pushing my limits, but I also like lounging on the couch watching TV or reading a book.

So in the coming year my goal is to continue living a middle path, but to try to align my work and career with my interests, and also to be passionate about what I do, regardless of which extreme I am enjoying at the time.

Originally posted on Friday, January 2nd, 2009 at 12:37 PM .

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