Archive for April, 2010


Thursday, April 29th, 2010

I feel like lately I haven’t been writing as much, and when I have been it’s been sort of off topic. (I went back to some of my archives and I feel like my writing has changed, not for the worse, but the recent posts have been a bit superficial.) But I do intend to get back on track here shortly. Around the New Year I was out of the country, and then I had a month or two consumed with my migration from Blogger to WordPress, and in typical fashion, I got caught up quite a bit in the details, and even making some cosmetic changes to the site which I’m happy with, but where probably unnecessary.

Then more recently I’ve had some of my attention diverted with trying to network a bit. After a year or two of writing for just myself and few people, I realized that if […]

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Mammoth Lakes’ Bluesapalooza, Beer and Blues Festival

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
John Lee Hooker Jr onstage, Mammoth Lakes, Beer and blues festival

John Lee Hooker Jr onstage
Mammoth Lakes, Beer and blues festival

AUGUST – The Bluesapalooza Beer and Blues Festival is a welcome getaway for anyone who enjoys the outdoors, beer, live blues music, or any combination of the three. Even though we’re located a good 6 hour drive away in San Diego, we decided it would be a good weekend trip to head up for a great weekend of relaxation. In case you’re not familiar with this event, it happens once a year at Mammoth Lakes, usually around the beginning of August, and takes place outdoors at Sam’s Wood Site.

The setting is actually quite spectacular. Somehow a stage is set up in a small clearing, and then the beer tents and spectators take their places in and around the trees. So you need to make […]

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New Facebook Page

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Just a heads up to any RSS subscribers. I’ve created a Facebook Fan page for Idealist Cafe, so if you’re on Facebook and it’s your thing, feel free to connect with me over there. Also, if you’re reading here, but don’t follow me on Twitter, you can check me out there too.

For me, all these social networking platforms are a bit redundant, but I know everyone has their favorite way to stay in contact, so I’m trying to just do what works for everyone. Regardless, if you’re reading right this, I certainly appreciate it, however you find and follow me.

Also, if we haven’t connected yet, drop me a comment and I’ll be sure to read your blog or follow your Twitter.

Weekend in Idyllwild at the Quiet Creek Inn

Thursday, April 8th, 2010
Quiet Creek Inn cabins

Quiet Creek Inn Cabins

This past weekend I was surprised by my girlfriend with a getaway to the mountains in Idyllwild, where we stayed at the Quiet Creek Inn. It was a quick, one night getaway, and though I would have loved to be there for a week, even taking a day or two away from home is a great way to relax. For those that don’t know, Idyllwild is a quiet little mountain community located in the San Jacinto Mountains, about 100 miles northeast of San Diego, and 100 miles southwest of Los Angeles. It sits at an elevation of 5300 feet, and is a great place for hiking and camping. From town, you have access to trails that take you up to Tahquitz Peak which is somewhere around 9000′ and San Jacinto Peak which is higher at 10,800′. I’ve been […]

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Organic whole foods diet and reduced hunger pangs

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

As I’ve written recently, I’ve transitioned to a mostly vegan and organic diet over the past few months. A little meat and dairy thrown in here and there, but when I do, I try to stick with sustainably raised meats and organic cheeses (no milk). If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know I’m always experimenting with diet. I’ve done vegetarian in the past, a few months raw vegan, I’ve water fasted, and so on. And it seems that I’ve always noticed that when I eat healthier, I have less hunger pangs (pains?). But just this weekend I think I’ve figured out why.

In the past I had always attributed decreased hunger with lower meat intake, thinking that the more I ate meat the more I craved it. But now I’m wondering if it has nothing to do with the type of foods I’m eating, but rather the quality. […]

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