Thoughts one month after completing 21 day raw food cleanse
Friday, May 27th, 2011It’s amazing that a month has already gone by since we completed our 21 day raw food cleanse. Now that we’re back to “normal”, I wanted to share my thoughts on raw vegan diets, after my intensive experience with raw eating.
First of all, I should say that the raw cleanse was a success. And as I’ve shared my experience with several people (in the real world, not online), the question most frequently asked is “How was it? How did you feel?”, and it’s something that’s hard to answer to people who eat SAD (Standard American Diet) food. But I think I’ve finally found a way to describe it.
What I now say when asked about eating raw is that it’s not so much that I felt great while following a raw diet, instead, the raw experience is the absence of feeling bad.
I know that sounds silly, but really it’s true. […]
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Koh Phangan after New Years
Saturday, May 7th, 2011Entry #5 from Thailand Trip (see entries #1, #2, #3, #4 and #6)

Relaxing in Koh Phangan after New Years
After a fun night at the New Year’s Full Moon Party, we finally decided to call it quits around 2AM. We weren’t sure how we were going to get back to the other side of the island, but we had a hunch we may be able to catch a ride with the truck that had dropped us off. From our hotel, they were doing runs to Haad Rin every hour until 1 or 1:30 to drop people off, and we hoped we’d see the truck and be able to catch a lift back to the hotel, and save us the trouble of finding a ride. From Haad Rin back to to the Haad Tian Resort it was a […]
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Thoughts on Day 21 of raw food cleanse
Sunday, May 1st, 2011As previously posted, my girlfriend fiance and I have been doing a raw food cleanse. Well, today is Day 21, the final day. We have experimented with raw in the past, and typically enjoy a mostly vegan diet, though we do indulge in non-vegan and cooked foods with some regularity, but try to keep our center with lots of veggies and organic foods. I had noted that my goals were to “clear my head a bit, get more internal creativity flowing, and to re-kickstart my running and working out.” I suppose in some ways I’ve succeeded, but in others not so much.
From a health standpoint, it has been a success, and I’ve felt great all 3 weeks. I didn’t have the creative energy boost that I had hoped for, but that may be something longer term, or maybe I just poured all my energy into work and didn’t leave enough […]
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