Riding the city bus in San Diego – mixed feelings
Thursday, June 22nd, 2006I have been meaning to write about this for a while now. About the mixed feelings I have about my past month of being semi car free. I have been both riding my bike to work and taking the city bus. And I feel great about both. The thing that is a little weird is that I feel like I am one of a very small percentage of people that ride the bus by choice. Taking a city bus here in the US, especially in Southern California is sort of a taboo thing, something reserved for the poor or those with less money. And I am pretty sure that most of the people on the bus, if given a chance, would probably love to be driving a car. So even though I really like taking the bus, for all the right reasons, I feel a little strange, since I don’t have to be, and if the people I ride with knew I had a car, they would probably feel weird too.
Get involved in Community Supported Agriculture
Wednesday, June 7th, 2006If you’re not familiar with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), it’s definitely something worth familiarizing yourself with. A CSA is basically where you pay a set amount to a local farm, and you then theoretically become a stake holder in the farm’s operations. In return you get a portion of the farm’s harvest each week or every two weeks. Here in San Diego I’m a member of Be Wise Ranch, and I pay $20 (updated 2008) $25 for a box of organic produce every two weeks. It’s the small box, but it’s plenty for me for actually more than the 2 weeks. The farm delivers to a pick up location each week, and it’s up to you to go retrieve your goodies. Each day of the week are different locations, so all of the country ends up getting a chance to have it delivered to their […]
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