Friday links of interest
Friday, February 12th, 2010I haven’t posted my “Friday Links” in a while, so here are a couple I specifically had seen and wanted to share.
First, for those travelers out there, this from Matador Network
Metric Map: Which Countries Don’t Belong With The Others?
And this one I thought was pretty funny (and sad), and had seen it on several news sites a couple weeks back. Seriously, how much can kids be protected from? Removing the term “oral sex” from the dictionary? Come on now…
Finding Oral Sex in the Dictionary and Other High School Mania
And I’ll leave you with an inspiratoinal one from Chris Guillebeau at The Art of Non-Conformity. This article was a good reminder for me.
The Small Man Builds Cages for Everyone
Some Friday Fun and an update
Saturday, November 7th, 2009I’ve been keeping myself way too busy lately, catching up on a lot of personal things, planning an insane trip to Thailand for New Years, and also working hard on a new eCommerce site I’m building. Oh, and not to mention working my normal job.
But for now, I just want to share a few Friday Funnies. Enjoy!
Low Resolution Girl – Halloween costume
Pimp My Jet – Costa Rican Style
Religion Flowchart – Which one are you?
Religion Flowchart
Opening bottle of wine with shoe;=player_embedded
The best time of year in San Diego
Friday, October 2nd, 2009Everyone thinks summer is the best time of year in San Diego, but I’m here to tell you otherwise. Actually let me back up. Everyone thinks that San Diego is 75 degrees and sunny year round. While it comes close, I can tell you that’s not the case. I might even go so far as to say there are seasons here.
Having grown up in New England, I can attest to the fact that the seasons here are quite different than what many people are used to, but still, we have seasons. Summer goes from May to mid September, then some fall weather kicks in until November or December, then a month or two of moderately chilly nights and cool days with some rain, then spring for another month or two, then summer. Summer is hot and dry, so everything turns brown, and winter is the green season. […]
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A familiar street
Monday, August 31st, 2009He approached the beach and gave his legs a break from peddling, allowing a moment to enjoy the cool and gentle breeze which flowed through his sun drenched hair. The smell of saltwater was in the air as the worn tires of his old bike rolled over the cracked concrete, producing a slightly noticeable whir. Occasionally he glanced up at the swaying palm trees that stretched towards the sky, which still didn’t seem real. The streets were familiar, and the scene no different, but the experience was always new. With a grand imagination it could easily be anyone’s first time.
Later as he sat in the sand time stood still, and with the backdrop of ever present waves, memories were made. The far away clouds hung over the mysterious blue water, grey and dreary, but the sun still shone overhead. When he was there, it was all just a moment. […]
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Friday interesting links
Friday, August 21st, 2009I’m pretty sure that come Friday everyone is looking for something besides work to do, so I’ve decided to start a new feature here that I’ll publish every Friday morning. I guess for a lack of anything better to call it, I’ll call it my Friday Interesting Links until I can come up with something better. If you have any you want to share, let me know, and I’ll be sure to credit you for bringing it to my attention.
So here are my votes for this week, just a few I’ve found that are worth sharing:
India Monkey King scales new heights – YouTube video, 1:35
You’ll never do this on a bike – YouTube video, 6:21 via Wend Magazine
Hanuman the traveling cat – video, 2:58
New Wedding Dance – YouTube video, 5:09
Denver Post Barefoot Running Debate – Barefoot running article, thx barefoot ted
How to send food back at a restaurant – Bohemian Revolution
Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts – Book Review
Thursday, August 6th, 2009
As promised last week, here is my review for one of my favorite books of all time, Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts.
The book is very long, over 900 pages (!), but because it is so action packed it can be a quick read if you have the time to let yourself get involved. In brief, the book is about a man who escapes prison in New Zealand and ends up in Bombay working as a slum doctor. Thus the book is about the life he build in Bombay, and follows him over several years, first as a slum doctor, then moving on to mafia man and then mujahadeen fighter. The twists and turns […]
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Some accomplishments … and things still to be done
Wednesday, August 5th, 2009
Mt Whitney Summit — August 2008
There are days when I feel accomplished, and there are days when I feel down. Sometimes life seems to get a little boring, and the days begin to pass in the blink of an eye. So I’ve decided to write this post in an effort to keep myself inspired and to remind myself not to let my life get too boring as I quickly approach my 31st year. There are some things that I’ve accomplished that I can look back upon to remind myself that I am living, and there things I want to do to make sure I keep living. On days when life gets frustrating and starts to seem pretty boring, I remind myself of these things that I’ve done and can continue to be proud of. And along […]
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My first Top 10 List — Top 10 books
Thursday, July 30th, 2009I always enjoy reading other people’s Top 10 lists, and I thought to myself that I’ve never done one. Usually I’m not great at picking favorites, but just for fun I decided I’d put together a list of ten books that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed over the past few years, plus a few extra just because I can’t narrow it down to ten.
Keep an eye out for some reviews of these books in the future. I have actually written some for another site I used to run, so over the next week or two I’ll try to get a couple posted up here. Also, for a list of all the books I’ve read over the past couple years, take a look over here.
Here is my list (in no particular order). What are some of your favorites?
Shantaram – Gregory David Roberts
Dharma Bums – Jack Kerouac
The Sun Also Rises […] Read More…
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