Eat, Pray, Love
Elizabeth Gilbert
I just finished reading the book Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I must say, it was a very good book. I was a tad embarrassed to be seen carrying this book around because it is a bit of a “chick book”, however it was a great book.
Funny, witty, serious, inspiring, it really kept me interested. In brief, it is a biographical book about the author documenting her travels over the course of a year. This year is following several difficult years prior, in which she went through a difficul divorce, another failed relationship, and the hardships faced in coming to terms with being a newly single 30-something woman in New York. As the title indicates, the book describes her four months in Italy eating, four months in India praying, and four months in Indonesia loving.
A very good read, especially for anyone looking for direction or support in their own life.
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Originally posted on Saturday, September 27th, 2008 at 10:57 AM .
Thanks for the reminder – I’ve been meaning to read this book. I’ve heard so much about this book and it sounds like it would be the perfect time for me to read this.
Grace, great to hear from you! Did you ever move west? Do you still have your blog up? I hadn’t seen any updates for a while. If you are still writing somewhere shoot me an email so I can add you to my feeds.
I’m sorry for the barrage of comments today! Your blog is in my RSS feeds and I’ve been meaning to comment.
I’m re-starting a blog at
I’m still trying to get it all together though.
No, haven’t moved out west yet unfortunately. We’re still trying to get to a better place financially before we make any major moves. I hear San Diego’s job market is the pits these days, so we might have to wait a little bit longer too.