My Green Product Recommendations

posted by Russ, October 5 in sustainability with tags , , ,

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I have seen some people posting recently asking for green product recommendations, so I guess this is as good a time as any for me to post my own. Green products are sometimes a catch 22, they are clearly better for the environment and most often for us as well, but a lot of times the products are much more expensive, and worst of all, sometimes they just don’t work! Well, here are the products that I have found to work for me and would definitely recommend (though I can’t control the price), based on five years of trial and error.

Just a heads up, these links below take you to Amazon, as much as I’d love for you to head over there and buy stuff so I can make a few bucks, keep an eye on the prices, check some of the third party sellers on Amazon for the same products. I don’t know why some of the listed prices are so expensive

Cleaning Products

Personal Hygiene

I’d like to note that I have found a few good cheap soaps (bar, hand, and washing machine soap) at Trader Joe’s. I know TJs is debatable, but when I look at the ingredients they seem to be ok. That said, I’m looking for a new all purpose hand soap that is not outrageously expensive, so feel free to comment.

What green products do you use?

Originally posted on Monday, October 5th, 2009 at 6:02 AM .

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