Eating a Raw Diet while surrounded by meat eaters
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008Let’s face it, changes in diet freak a lot of people out. Raw, vegetarian, vegan … Many people get freaked out by these terms. Many people don’t get it, and when people don’t get it there’s usually no point in trying to explain it to them. So to clear things up right up front, let me say that I am NONE of what I just mentioned, not raw, vegan, or vegetarian. However I do incorporate all three into my regular diet. I have been doing a lot of raw eating recently, and have always been interested in vegan and vegetarian. But I’m just not ready to give some things up, like Italian sandwiches, an occasional organic hamburger, teriyaki chicken, or even — gasp — pizza and beer. So needless to say, I am not 100% raw, and clearly I’m leaving room for cheating, […]
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Cancer to be world’s top killer by 2010
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008I saw this article in the news today about rising cancer rates, and I can’t tell you how much it frustrates me to see these headlines over and over. I am no medical doctor, but I have strong beliefs and also have done plenty of reading, and I know that all these articles and studies about cancer are missing the boat. They all talk about cancer detection, smoking, and even the fact that cancer rates are rising simply because there are more people in the world. But all fail to mention any connection between cancer rates and the state of our environment and our modern diet.
People fail to realize that the SAD (standard american diet) can play just as much a role in getting cancer as smoking, drinking, or other more obvious risky behaviors. And also people fail to see the link between cancer and all […]
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An experiment with raw diet
Wednesday, November 19th, 2008Photo Credit Jeff Hills
For the past week or so I have been experimenting with a raw diet. I say experimenting because 1) I have a lot to learn and 2) I haven’t been 100% raw, though I’d say I’ve been close to 90-95%. I am doing this because I have read a lot about the potential benefits of eating raw, including increased energy, more vivid dreams, less sleep, increased healing, and of course detox.
I have already learned quite a bit, and trust me, it’s not all about a salad and fruit. Though that’s what a lot of it has been, but my options are already expanding and I have learned to make a few tasty treats that would rival a regular processed sugar desert in taste. Also, I will say that I don’t want to continue […]
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