And that is the power of Twitter!
Wednesday, September 30th, 2009Every week I get these emails from Travelzoo, usually I don’t pay much attention. Well, I have been thinking about going up to Los Angeles (well, Carson) again to see another Galaxy soccer game, and out of nowhere I get an email from Travelzoo informing me that there is a 50% off promo for the game I want to go to. Sweet!
So all excited I follow the link to buy the tickets, and it turns out that to get the promo on Ticketmaster you need to enter a promo code… Uh oh, no code was in the Travelzoo email or the linked page on their site. So I look all over their site for a way to ask questions. Can’t find one. The contact page is just a generic “comments” form. Bummer. Replying to the email probably won’t get a reply. So I try […]
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[links and styling have been removed in the excerpt, read more to see complete content]
Tags: internet, social networking, Twitter
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