San Diego River bike path being extended
Saturday, July 18th, 2009Photo Credit: Sean Haffey, Union Trib
I don’t live in Ocean Beach anymore, but when I did I lived near Dog Beach and the San Diego River. Actually, many people don’t even know that there is a river in San Diego, but there is. So anyway, when I lived there, I always used to jog along the river on the bike path, (yes the linked map is the actual path of the river, only the first few miles were paved at the time I lived there) and once when I was trying to avoid getting in my car I tried to follow the path on my bike into Mission Valley to make a run to Borders to look for a guide book for my trip to Spain.
Of course during that attempted ride is when I realized that the […]
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Graffiti – Ocean Beach, San Diego, California
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008During my recent trip to Spain, I had seen some pretty cool graffiti. In keeping with that theme, here is some right around the corner from where I live in Ocean Beach, San Diego. Both of these are located on Bacon St, I believe on the Seedless Clothing office. On the second one, you can see the artist’s name next to the woman if you look closely. Also, notice the electrical box next to the car, hehehe… I’m not sure who the artist is, but the whole thing is pretty cool.
Update 5/8/2009: The artist’s name is Caleb Aero. Check out his Myspace and Facebook.
Update 6/18/2009: I’ve been getting a lot of traffic on this post lately. I think people might be Googling for info about the graffiti in OB of the vandalism type? Not sure. I don’t actually live in Ocean Beach […]
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