Personal development and positive energy

posted by Russ, January 14 in lifestyle design with tags ,

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A few months back I mentioned that I was taking salsa classes. I did finish my 7 week course, and learned a few things, though I still far from being a good dancer. I was a little overwhelmed and frustrated with the course, so I didn’t continue, but I do expect to try it again in the future.

That doesn’t mean I’ve given up on trying new things though. Last night I had my first art class in over ten years. I enrolled for a basic drawing course at the Art Academy of San Diego. I actually had a really good time, the class had a laid back vibe, and it seems that it will be fun and I will learn a lot. I really hope to continue developing my creative skills, and hope this is something that is positive for me.

Also interesting is that I’ve had another potential business contact just surface out of nowhere. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I do hope to begin working for myself within another year or two, so having the universe just send me contacts like this is a really positive sign, and one that I don’t want to ignore. There have been a few other things like this that have happened recently, and it really seems that the time may be right for me to focus some energy here. I am really beginning to be able to envision myself as a successful entrepreneur, generating a living for myself while continuing to enjoy my life.

Taking these classes, being more satisfied and fulfilled with my current work situation, and having these side business contacts just surface is really generating some positive energy. My goal is to continue on course, not do anything rash, but really try to harness all that is going on to get myself to the place where I envision myself.

Let’s hope this is just not a passing phase, but the first step in creating the future that I want. My intention is to continue making myself a better person, continue enhancing myself through some extra curricular activities, and to begin building a foundation that enables me to be in control of both my personal and professional lives.

Originally posted on Friday, January 14th, 2011 at 7:50 AM .

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