Some news and a look into the future

posted by Russ, June 7 in lifestyle design with tags , ,


I have yet to officially mention my recent big news online (except for on my personal Facebook), so here it is: In early April I proposed to my girlfriend of 4+ years, and we are now engaged to be married mid May of 2013! It was something that was a long time coming, and the time was finally right to make it official. Being engaged doesn’t change much in the daily routine for us, but it means that the next year is going to be filled with a lot of planning, preparation, and saving, and needless to say, we are both very excited for the next phase of our lives.

While we both love living in San Diego and really appreciate the comforts of home, we also share a real sense for adventure and living life to the fullest. And though we have the itch for some bigger and better things in the future, for the time being we’re just buckling down, working hard, saving money, and making sure to enjoy all the planning that we’ll be doing in preparation for the big day. I won’t go into much more detail right now, other than to say we’ve got a lot of ideas and directions we’d like to explore in all aspects of our lives; personally, professionally and otherwise. We’ve got some plans for travel and also some business ideas that we want to explore, but we’re trying not to take too much on while we’ve got our wedding to plan.

We will try to use our wedding as a clean slate though, so to speak, and will likely leap into the next phase of our life once all the celebrating is done. Even though we’ll be nose to the grindstone for the next year, I’ll continue to be updating the site here, and I hope that you’ll continue to keep reading, and will be around to see what awaits on the horizon.

Originally posted on Thursday, June 7th, 2012 at 7:06 AM .

4 Responses to “Some news and a look into the future”

  1. Maria says:

    Congratulations Russ! 🙂

  2. Goodluck to your future endeavors Russ!

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