Rethink the Office
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
Photo Credit Timothy Ferriss
Over at one of my favorite blogs, The 4 Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss recently wrote a post about rethinking office design for higher productivity. I really like his progressive thinking on these topics, and also really like that he finds real world examples to showcase them. This is especially important to me since I have yet to see these Results Only Work Environment (ROWE) suggestions implemented in any of the places I have worked, including present employer.
The second thing I really like about his post is that he shows his home office setup, which is pictured to the right. The simple, uncluttered, and comfortable layout all really give me something to shoot for in designing a home office, which will hopefully be my one and only place of employment. 🙂
Simplify and De-clutter
Monday, September 8th, 2008The one thing I want have always wanted in my life is simplicity. I have learned over the years that clutter only confuses things, not to mention keeps my mind spinning about all the things I want or have to do. I know that when I sit at my desk, if I have junk all over it, my mind somehow picks up that clutter. I don’t seem to have the skill that some people have that allows them to relax their mind when they have a to-do list a mile long. So I have learned that a simple and uncluttered life leads to a simple and uncluttered mind. As much as I try to keep this under control, somehow things seem to “re-clutter”. Perhaps it is because I don’t have the discipline to filter the incoming items that work their way into my apartment. […]
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