Make raw milk yogurt at home in less than 30 minutes
Thursday, February 16th, 2012
Making yogurt from raw milk
If you’re vegan or don’t eat dairy, this article may not be of interest to you. But if you’re a yogurt lover or want to try making a tasty, simple food at home, read on. You will be amazed at how easy it is to make fresh yogurt on your own. I made my first batch two weeks ago, and just finished making my second batch earlier today.
Typically I don’t eat much dairy, but when I found out how easy it could be to make yogurt at home, I became interested. And since I’ve learned about raw foods and the power of enzymes, I try to make sure that the milk and cheese I consume is raw, so it makes sense for me to make raw yogurt. Probiotics and enzymes! Luckily I have a food coop […]
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The raw milk controversy
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010Last weekend I caught a segment on NPR about the controversy over raw milk and dairy products, and then yesterday my friend sent me an article from the Los Angeles Times with similar content. In short, due to the possibility for E coli or salmonella contamination, the FDA has banned raw milk and dairy products in many states, stating that consuming them poses a health risk.
First of all, I will not say that I don’t believe there is a risk in consuming raw products, but for the FDA to ban them is outright crazy. The FDA is after all, the same organization that regularly approves drugs, both over the counter and dcotor prescribed, that can and do kill people all time. According to the first article, “raw milk can contain deadly bacteria like E. coli and salmonella and has sickened more than a thousand people since 1998”, and recently was […]
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