Posts Tagged ‘garden’

The birds ate my jalapenos … I think

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

I’ve had strawberries growing in my garden for a few months, but unfortunately have only been able to eat a few because they seem to disappear from the plant the day they reach optimal ripeness. I’ve just chalked it up to the birds or the ants, though I did catch my cat lurking in the garden too. The Landscape Design of my garden is such that it allows easy access to pretty much every rodent. And I’d be surprised if a colony of ants could make a strawberry disappear, but who knows?

But the other morning I had quite a surprise. Every single jalapeno on my jalapeno plant had disappeared. There were probably 10 or more that were an inch or two long last time I looked. This was definitely not the work of ants, nor was it due to the cat or dogs. Is it […]

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Obamas to Plant White House Vegetable Garden

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Thanks to Grace for alerting me to the fact that the Obamas are planting a vegetable garden at the White House!

I think this is great, it promotes self sustainability, local and healthy eating. Congrats to the Obama’s for doing this and setting a good example for the rest of us.

Easy Organic Garden

Friday, September 26th, 2008
See my recommended gardening guides!“No Dig Garden”Raised Bed Gardening!~~Bootstrap Market Gardening

I had been inspired to initially write the post by a trip back to Connecticut to visit my mother last year. She has a nice size yard, just a little over 3 acres, and over the years has had some very nice gardens. Even back before it was popular, she was growing organic gardens, without the use of any fertilizers, pesticides, or chemicals, if anything at all she just amended the soil using compost. Oh and not to mention the chickens that would peck through the dirt all day, fertilizing as they went along. While she does still grow some vegetables each year, many of the areas of garden have just sort of taken on a life of their own.

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Apartment Composting – How to Compost when you live in an apartment

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

There are many sites out there that explain composting in detail, how to do it properly, how it actually works, all that good stuff. There are also plenty that talk about apartment composting, all the equipment you need, and I’m sure that is all well and good. I’ve even listed a few below in the related links. But I decided to write this article to explain how I do it, what I have learned, and the equipment that I use. I am by no means a pro at this, and I’m not even claiming that I know what I’m doing, however I feel like I have been mostly successful with my apartment style composting, and want to share. However if you are reading this article it is likely that you don’t.

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