Interesting – Most Expensive Keywords

posted by Russ, February 26 in technology with tags ,

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In typical internet fashion, I found one thing and followed a link, then followed another, then another, which somehow landed me a million miles away from where I started.

It all began when I finally decided to sign up for twitter. There are a select few bloggers who I follow regularly, so I decided I may as well follow their twitter too. I think they all use it properly and will not overwhelm me… So anyway, I’m reading Timothy Ferriss‘ latest Tweets and see one where he posted a list of the most expensive keywords. I have to say, while on the one hand I am quite surprised, on the other I am not shocked at all. I had figured the most expensive would be travel related or vacation related. But as it turns out some of the most expensive keywords are related to law, lawyers, and dui.

At upwards of $50 per click were the keywords settlements, loans, mesothelioma (who would think of that? not me!), and dui. Of course there are a bunch of variations, but even funnier is the one for mesothelioma lawyers san diego. Do that many people need this sort of help??

Interesting information there…

Originally posted on Thursday, February 26th, 2009 at 12:28 PM .

One Response to “Interesting – Most Expensive Keywords”

  1. Grace says:

    Glad to see you’re on twitter now! 🙂 I followed you (shiningeyes).

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