21 Day Raw Food Cleanse
Sunday, April 10th, 2011 Read More…
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Plastic water filters and BPA
Friday, October 29th, 2010When it comes to drinking water, my first choice would always be to drink clean, fresh water straight from the ground like I was able to growing up in Connecticut. But unfortnuately that option doesn’t exist in most cities, nor is it an option here in San Diego.
Being that I try to minimize my use of plastics and use local resources when I can, I’ve always believed that local tap water is the next best option, as opposed to bottled water from who knows where. I’ve also had this belief validated when I read the articles that address the fact that the bottled water industry is largely unregulated. But of course it’s also pretty well known that tap water quality in most municipalities is loaded with traces of chemicals and pollutants, even pharmaceuticals.
So where does that leave me? Well, I’ve used a Pur water filter for about the past […]
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The raw milk controversy
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010Last weekend I caught a segment on NPR about the controversy over raw milk and dairy products, and then yesterday my friend sent me an article from the Los Angeles Times with similar content. In short, due to the possibility for E coli or salmonella contamination, the FDA has banned raw milk and dairy products in many states, stating that consuming them poses a health risk.
First of all, I will not say that I don’t believe there is a risk in consuming raw products, but for the FDA to ban them is outright crazy. The FDA is after all, the same organization that regularly approves drugs, both over the counter and dcotor prescribed, that can and do kill people all time. According to the first article, “raw milk can contain deadly bacteria like E. coli and salmonella and has sickened more than a thousand people since 1998”, and recently was […]
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Diet overload, healthy choices, and which label fits?
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010Health and diet has been something I’ve been reading a lot about lately. I don’t mean diet as it pertains to losing weight, I am talking about diet as it pertains to lifestyle and being healthy. Until recently I have for the most part always eaten the Standard American Diet (SAD). While I knew there wasn’t something quite right about it, I never really sorted it out until now. (Though I’m sure it will be an evolving process, and my feelings are open to change.)
As I’ve written recently, I’ve been eating mostly vegan, and have even experimented with a raw diet in the past. But I have not sworn off of meat completely, since I do believe that we have evolved to truly be omnivores. That said, I do believe in veganism and what it stands for, and I do firmly believe factory farming is wrong (on many levels). […]
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Organic whole foods diet and reduced hunger pangs
Thursday, April 1st, 2010As I’ve written recently, I’ve transitioned to a mostly vegan and organic diet over the past few months. A little meat and dairy thrown in here and there, but when I do, I try to stick with sustainably raised meats and organic cheeses (no milk). If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know I’m always experimenting with diet. I’ve done vegetarian in the past, a few months raw vegan, I’ve water fasted, and so on. And it seems that I’ve always noticed that when I eat healthier, I have less hunger pangs (pains?). But just this weekend I think I’ve figured out why.
In the past I had always attributed decreased hunger with lower meat intake, thinking that the more I ate meat the more I craved it. But now I’m wondering if it has nothing to do with the type of foods I’m eating, but rather the quality. […]
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Experimenting with a Vegan diet
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010I wrote about a year ago about my adventures with a raw diet. It lasted about a month, which was just fine with me since it was experimental. But in the process I did learn a lot about food, especially about how you can find plenty of food that is raw, not meat, and IS NOT SALAD. I point that out because this comes as quite a shock to some people. Yes, there is plenty out there to eat that is vegan and raw.
I won’t go into the benefits of eating raw, that is a topic for another day. Today’s post is to say that I’m at the diet experiments again, though not raw this time. This time it’s more of a wholesome, sustainable and mostly vegan. I say mostly because I still believe that eating meat is ok. Certainly not every day like some people, but if it […]
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Curing acne with a healthy diet
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for a while, but never felt comfortable sharing it. However, today I just decided that I will share, if for no reason other than to help someone who might find this page through a web search. So if you’re one of my regular readers, feel free to skip this one, unless of course it’s of interest to you.
I’ve been pretty lucky in that I’ve never had a terrible problem with acne. But around the early part of high school, I started getting some on my back. It was never terrible, but at that age it was enough to make me self conscious. At the time, I sort of just figured I was an unlucky teenager, and hoped it would go away as I got older. I never had any clue that it could ever be related to diet. So even though it […]
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Eating a Raw Diet while surrounded by meat eaters
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008Let’s face it, changes in diet freak a lot of people out. Raw, vegetarian, vegan … Many people get freaked out by these terms. Many people don’t get it, and when people don’t get it there’s usually no point in trying to explain it to them. So to clear things up right up front, let me say that I am NONE of what I just mentioned, not raw, vegan, or vegetarian. However I do incorporate all three into my regular diet. I have been doing a lot of raw eating recently, and have always been interested in vegan and vegetarian. But I’m just not ready to give some things up, like Italian sandwiches, an occasional organic hamburger, teriyaki chicken, or even — gasp — pizza and beer. So needless to say, I am not 100% raw, and clearly I’m leaving room for cheating, […]
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