Take the train from Casablanca going south …
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009I came across this video today. Brings back memories for when I was planning my Spain and Morocco trip. I had really wanted to ride on the Marrakesh Express, but sadly though I made it into Morocco, didn’t make it down to Marrakesh. Oh well, next time. Until then, enjoy a live video of Crosby and Nash rockin’ it, well rockin’ it 70s style.
The birds ate my jalapenos … I think
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009I’ve had strawberries growing in my garden for a few months, but unfortunately have only been able to eat a few because they seem to disappear from the plant the day they reach optimal ripeness. I’ve just chalked it up to the birds or the ants, though I did catch my cat lurking in the garden too. The Landscape Design of my garden is such that it allows easy access to pretty much every rodent. And I’d be surprised if a colony of ants could make a strawberry disappear, but who knows?
But the other morning I had quite a surprise. Every single jalapeno on my jalapeno plant had disappeared. There were probably 10 or more that were an inch or two long last time I looked. This was definitely not the work of ants, nor was it due to the cat or dogs. Is it […]
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Are you swamped at work? Here is how to fix it.
Monday, July 6th, 2009Photo credit: Sarah Mae
How often do you hear someone tell you that they are “swamped” at work? I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot, and it’s no irony that it’s usually while I’m at work. I haven’t touched a topic like this lately, but I used to quite a bit in the past. If you’ve been a reader for a while you know that I am a big fan of the the concepts of the 4 Hour Workweek and the idea of ROWE (Results Only Work Environment). And since I’m still a 9 to 5 working man, I still very often have thoughts like this, even though I’m not writing them.
I think everyone has found themselves saying “I’m swamped at work” at one time or another. How often do you hear it? Do you […]
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I have a flea plea – No more fleas please
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009Pets, pests, and pesticides, or my flea plea.
In our house, there is one cat and two dogs. We are in San Diego where the weather is usually great year round. Unfortunately this means that all of our favorite pests also can live year round, and they are especially persistent in the summer. So I send this plea out to my reader(s), if you have pets have you been able to control fleas in your houses without using all the usual nasty chemicals?
As much as I hate to do it, I do use Advantage or Frontline on my cat, and my girlfriend uses it on her dogs. But to be honest, I’ve never seen much change in the fleas on the animals after administering it. The last two times we gave Advantage to one of our dogs, within a few days time I spotted large fleas […]
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San Diego drought tolerant landscaping
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009Image credit: Letz Design
I figured I’d share interesting article about drought tolerant landscaping, known as Xeriscaping, that I found via my Ode Magazine Newsletter. It’s especially relevant since I live in San Diego at a house with a lawn that uses irrigation. It’s not very detailed about specific plants that can be used for making changes, but it is definitely food for thought.
View article here: Yanking out lawns saves water and money
Interesting side note: I started thinking about writing this post the other day while at work. Ironically, as I was pondering drought tolerant landscapes and the water shortages and new water rationing rules here in San Diego, I looked out the window into Petco Park to see them watering the dirt in preparation for the night’s baseball game. My office is located in such […]
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